District Overview
Curriculum and Instruction
Special Services
Human Resources
Business Office
Interested candidates from the municipalities listed below should submit their Nominating Petitions, no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday on July 29, 2024, to the Morris County Clerk's Office.
Municipality | Number of Terms | Term Length |
Chester Borough | 1 | 3 Years |
Washington Township | 1 | 3 Years |
Washington Township | 1 | 3 Years |
Click here for a complete list of the current Board members and when their term expires.
Click here for a memo from the Business Administrator.
Click here for additional election information from the NJSBA.
On January 30, 2012 the Board of Education passed a Resolution to change the annual school election from April to the November General Election to elect Board of Education members. This vote also eliminated the annual voter referendum on the proposed general fund levy if it is at or below the state mandated cap. Any additional general fund tax levy proposal (for any expenditure in excess of the tax levy cap) must be presented to the voters as a separate question at the General Election. The adoption of this Resolution was made possible by both bodies of the New Jersey State Legislature (Assembly and Senate) passing Bills S-3148 and A-4394 (identical Bills). The adoption of this change in the election date and budget vote will remain in effect for four years.
The proposed school budget is still reviewed by the Executive County Superintendent and the Executive County School Board Administrator.
The Board of Education encourages all community residents -- including eligible students -- to register and vote.
Link here to the Morris County Election Center for a voter registration application, absentee ballot and other election information.